Nam Dawon (남다원)

Dawon is WJSN's main vocalist! Her official birthday is April 16, 1997 and the zodiac sign she represents in the group is Aries, but her real birthday may or may not be May 27, 1997, making her a very trustworthy gemini.

You may know her from:

↳ JTBC's singing competition show Girl Spirit - performances are on Youtube! (This one's beautiful)
↳ (predebut) KPOP STAR Season 2 (clip 1, clip 2)
↳ She's done an OST with Yeonjung


↳ Sometimes called Da1/다1 or just 1 by kfans, or Dawoncé by ifans!
↳ Once someone told her about her Dawoncé nickname and she reacted cutely
↳ There's even a fancam of her singing Halo and playing the piano
↳ She's also very considerate and known as mukbang king

Personal SNS:

↳ N/A but she posts to official SNS and the fancafe very often!

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